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What are your opening hours?Monday to Thursday, we are open from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM. On Fridays, we operate from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Please feel free to reach out to us during these hours for any inquiries or assistance you may need.
What payment methods are accepted?We accept the following payment methods for your convenience: - Visa - MasterCard - Maestro Additionally, we also offer the option to pay via PayPal, providing you with a secure and widely-used online payment solution.
When using click & collect, how soon can i collect my items?Upon placing your click & collect order, we'll promptly send you an email notification to inform you when your items are ready for collection. In most cases, your order will be ready straight away for standard items. However, if you've ordered bespoke panels, please allow a processing time of 3-7 days. Rest assured, we'll keep you informed at every step and notify you as soon as your order is ready for collection.
Do you offer a delivery service?We do offer a delivery service at a low cost which is dependant on your location. You will be quoted a delivery price when checking out if your location is within a certain radius. Outside of this radius we may have to contact our external haulage companies to quote a delivery price. Please contact us for a direct quote!
What times do you normally deliver?Unfortunately, we do not have specific delivery times as they can vary based on factors such as location and traffic conditions. However, once your order is processed, we will promptly contact you to provide the delivery date and an estimated time. Please note that delivery times may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances like traffic delays. Rest assured, we are committed to keeping you updated and informed throughout the delivery process.
Is there anywhere you do not deliver to?While we strive to offer delivery to a wide range of locations, there may be some areas where we are unable to provide direct delivery using our personal wagons. However, we are committed to ensuring that you receive your order promptly. In cases where our direct delivery is not available, we will always make arrangements for delivery through a trusted third-party service to ensure your items reach you efficiently.
Do you offer a fitting service?Unfortunately, we do not provide a fitting service at the moment. However, we have established partnerships with trusted tradesmen who are experts in fitting our products. If you require assistance with installation, please contact us, and we will be happy to provide you with a list of our recommended tradesmen who can help ensure the proper installation of your items.
Do you sell flags?Unfortunately, we do not currently offer flags in our product selection. Our inventory may change over time, so we recommend checking our website regularly or contacting our customer support for the latest updates on available products.
Do you allow refunds & exchanges?For detailed information regarding refunds and exchanges, please visit our Refunds Policy. It outlines our procedures and conditions for returns. Please note that bespoke items are non-refundable under any circumstances. Any items returned must be in the exact condition in which we delivered them, ensuring they are in saleable condition.
How do i enquire about becoming a regular trade customer?We welcome trade customers and are excited about the possibility of becoming your supplier. To initiate the process, please visit our Trade Customer Inquiry Form where you can complete and submit the necessary details. Once we receive your form, our team will review the information and be in contact with you in due time. We appreciate your interest and look forward to the opportunity to serve as your potential supplier.
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